When it’s time to connect a patient with treatment that works, we can help.

Knowing when a patient needs treatment for substance abuse can be difficult, but these guidelines can help. Our programs provide thorough diagnostic assessments of patients with substance abuse disorder.

Without time to conduct a full assessment, determining an appropriate treatment can be difficult, especially in patients taking medications like sedatives or opioids. But, our certified drug and alcohol counselors are perfectly suited to provide an in-depth evaluation of their needs and proper, specialized treatment. They can also work with the patient, physician, and family members to implement a treatment plan.


  • A screening, brief assessment and intervention are not enough and the patient requires a referral to treatment (SBIRT)
  • A patient asks for a referral to a substance abuse treatment program
  • A patient ignores controlled substance office policies
  • A patient is suspected of abusing opioids or other illicit drugs because of the following:
    • Rapidly escalating dosage demands or unusual dosage increase
    • Observed or reported intoxication or unexplained withdrawal symptoms
    • Frequent reports that opioid medication was lost, stolen or destroyed
    • Repeatedly seeking prescriptions from other providers or emergency departments
    • Alteration, theft or sale of prescriptions or use of someone else’s prescriptions
    • Producing an abnormal toxicology screen (and confirmation of those results)
  • A patient has a complicated medical, psychiatric or substance-abuse history and requires intensive treatment (for example, alcohol-related hepatitis or pancreatitis)
  • A patient is dependent on opioids, where the risk outweighs the benefit
  • They cannot maintain a low-risk level of usage and may be alcohol- or drug-dependent (for example, at-risk drinkers who cannot stop binge drinking may benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy and medication management)

Medical management alone is less likely to result in long-term sobriety. At BrightView, we believe that all medication-assisted addiction treatment is more effective when combined with psychological and social treatments as well. Please consider referring patients being treated medically to a psychosocial treatment program.


Our Approach to Addiction

See why BrightView is a new kind of addiction treatment center, one that can help patients reach recovery and live the life they deserve.


Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions about BrightView’s addiction treatment programs? Find those answers and more in our FAQs.


If you’re ready to regain control and start a personalized medication assisted treatment program that works, we’re only a phone call away.