BrightView’s Peer Recovery Support Specialist Tells Her Story

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: February 1, 2018 Updated: June 2, 2021 Amy’s Story – As a child growing up in Cincinnati, OH, Amy Parker struggled with mental health issues, and by the age of 14, she began cycling in and out of psychiatric hospitals, where her medications would be shifted, and she would be released only to return upon another violent episode. By high school, she was desperate for relief and began to self-medicate with anything mind-altering she could get her hands on. By the age…


Scientists Just Solved a Major Piece of the Opioid Puzzle

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: January 10, 2018 Updated: January 10, 2018 While public health workers might dive head into the main components of the opioid epidemic – which are drugs such as fentanyl, morphine, and heroin – scientists dig deeper, getting to the root of the problem which are opioid receptors, or the proteins that these drugs latch onto within the body. Where are these receptors hiding?  Within the walls of cells throughout the brain and peripheral nervous system.  They can be considered the “cellular gatekeepers”…


Mercy Health Teams With Local Addiction Treatment Providers Including BrightView

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: January 9, 2018 Updated: January 9, 2018 WCPO CINCINNATI – The region’s largest health system has launched a new partnership to help more patients battling addiction enter treatment programs more easily and quickly. Mercy Health is teaming with 10 addiction treatment providers across Greater Cincinnati that will offer long-term treatment and recovery options for patients on a nearly on-demand basis. The providers include:  BrightView, City Gospel Mission, Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services, Health Experiences, Joseph House, Margaret Mary Health, Northland/Ridge, Sunrise Treatment Center,…

medication assisted treatment more effective than drug detox

New Study Finds Medication Assisted Treatment More Effective Than Drug Detox

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: November 21, 2017 Updated: August 4, 2021 There is hope for those who are publicly insured and facing opioid addiction, including heroin, fentanyl, or prescription narcotics. But it may not be what you’ve heard. In fact, it’s probably the opposite of what many advertisements, public service announcements, media outlets, TV shows, and social media have been telling you. Groundbreaking research indicates that the traditional medically supervised “detoxification” process doesn’t work. Additionally, it can be an astronomically expensive process as well as a…


The Global Awareness We Need In This Time of The Opioid Crisis

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: February 21, 2017 Updated: February 21, 2017 Often referred to as a devastating disaster for the U.S. medical system – the opioid addiction epidemic has been on the forefront of headlines for a long time, with no end in sight.  However, portraying opioid addiction as just an American problem or trend overlooks the fact that this epidemic is reaching beyond American borders, and has been for quite some time.  A journal published in “World Psychiatry” emphasizes that several middle-income and developed countries…
